Wednesday, March 31, 2010

1st Landscape Auction in U.S.

The first Landscape Auction ever to happen in the United States will take place this summer in Vermont. What is a Landscape Auction you ask? It is a creative new way to bring private funding and private landowners together to conserve and protect our most treasured elements of the environment (such as wildlife habitat, a working farm, a historic barn, a pond etc. etc.). Winning bidders basically "adopt" the element, helping to provide enough funds for the owners to continue to conserve/preserve the landscape.

The White River Partnership ( is hosting the auction, with the help of Triple E consultants (the company from the Netherlands that created the idea). Individuals, organizations and businesses are encouraged to participate in the auction and to place bids on the various landscape elements.

The Partnership will soon have a listing and pictures of the elements available for bid. Elements will be from various parts of the White River watershed. Additional information will be available soon on the WRP web site.